Tik Tok is one the fastest growing social media platforms and has mostly recently been compared to Google, Bing and YouTube as an effective search engine. As Tik Tok grows, all businesses can increasingly use its benefits to promote their brand and increase customer awareness, so why should you join TikTok to help promote your business?
Since its change from “Music.ally” to TikTok - the platform has grown to unimaginable heights. TikTok currently has 1 billion active users across the globe, meaning there are potential customers right at your fingertips who can access the content from your account, share it with others or reach out for more information themselves. With its wide reach, TikTok has proven to be a successful marketing platform for many businesses - established companies such as McDonalds, YSL and BMW all utilise the advantages of TikTok despite already being very well known in the industry. TikTok has been downloaded 6.2 billion times and is available in almost every country around the world, so the opportunities for discovery are endless! TikTok’s search engine tool can also be beneficial for uncovering your target audience and those with similar interests to the content you share or are sharing.
Recently, TikTok has been recognised for being the 4th most popular way to search for information. In comparison to Google, young people (18 – 34) use TikTok as their prime search engine due to its universal appeal. Businesses may find this useful, especially with products that target this generation - who make up a large percentage of TikTok’s user base. As users continuously search for your business name, or the products being sold, the more likely your page will gain popularity and ultimately, increase engagement and sales.
Users of TikTok commonly search phrases beginning with ‘What is’ or ‘How to ’- incorporating these phrases into your content allow viewers to be more likely to come across your videos, which is why keywords and titles are an important factor businesses must consider when sharing on the platform, the algorithm needs to work in your favour and this is one of the ways you can achieve this.

TikTok has created a new and innovative way for consumers to interact with business content. The social media platform has added a new add-on -including stickers, pop-ups and other visual markers which encourage users to engage with ads.
These new add-ons activate a direct response for users and potential customers by inviting them to participate in the promotion. Statistics show that viewers who have shared, liked, commented, or interacted with a video in any way on TikTok, are 150% more likely to buy a product or service. The use of this new feature has the potential to attach value to your business promotions and increase brand awareness. Additionally, the use of the traditional comment section allows customers to ask direct questions to businesses and receive a response - this could be regarding a product or service. You will need to bear in mind that you or a staff member will need to monitor this area so questions are answered in a timely fashion.
Like many of the traditional social media platforms including Instagram, or Facebook. TikTok give users the opportunity to create a business page dedicated to the promotion of their brand, the items they sell or the services they offer. The TikTok business account enables owners to attach links to other platforms, ie their social media pages or websites where products and services can be bought or booked. Having a business page also shows creators which sounds/music they can use while blocking those that are copyrighted, allowing businesses to save time looking for sounds/music that could be taken down later - 88% of TikTok users said that sound is essential to the TikTok experience. Sharing organic content on your business page also means all growth is natural and attracting genuine interest, but similar to Instagram, TikTok content posted on your business account can be promoted to reach a larger audience.

To find out more about using TikTok for your business - how to get started, how to use TikTok effectively or anything in-between. Drop us a note via the contact us form, email roseanne@rhgcomms.co.uk or if you fancy a chat right now call 07802 197347.